The National Health & Safety Conference for Social Care 2017 'The Fair Way to a Safer Way' will take place from 12-13 September at Hellidon Lakes Golf & Spa Hotel, Northamptonshire.
Working in the care sector represents an emotional seesaw; on the one hand isolated
and getting bogged down in complex topics, on the other delivering fantastic outcomes for all
those people being supported and cared for.
The Fair Way to a Safer Way will offer a unique opportunity for care providers to find solutions and
hear about good practice that will help with day to day health and safety challenges while
networking with like minded colleagues.
Topics under discussion will include: regulation and enforcement, robotic technology, health and wellbeing, fire evacuation, legionella, property maintenance, night working, window restriction and new fire safety guidance as well as incorporating a Mock Coroner inquest.
Two key regulators, CQC and HSE will share the platform and address delegates. There will be speakers from CQC, HSE, UNISON and the universities of York and Sheffield, as well as a range of
technical experts.