Products kill microbes, but people prevent infection

Damien Hancox, CEO of SpectrumX, explains how a holistic, systemic approach to infection prevention creates a safer, more hygienic environment for both care home residents and staff

Reducing falls in care homes with inclusive design

Fiona Walsh, co-founder and principal architect at DDS Architects, looks at how targeted, informed building design can reduce the incidence of falls in care homes

Right paint, right colour, right design

Lisa Pilley, senior colour designer at Dulux Trade, explains the best colour solutions and paints to choose when designing or refreshing dementia friendly care homes

Emerging from the storm: how to boost staff retention

James Sage, employment partner and head of health & social care at specialist law firm RWK Goodman LLP, offers practical guidance on retaining care staff

Could digital tech solve the care sector’s staffing crisis?

Tandeep Gill of PainChek explains how the right digital technology, tools, and solutions can help recruitment, retention, and engagement, and deliver operational stability

Why better design leads to better care

Jo Goddard, director of Just Imagine Contract Interiors, outlines the guiding principles that should underpin effective care home design

Easier care home communication with digital signage

Rob Lewis, business development manager for LiveSpace Digital Signage, explains how installing digital signage in care homes can benefit not just residents, but staff and visitors, too

Key considerations when specifying contract fabrics

Catherine Seville-Clare, group customer experience manager at contract fabric supplier Panaz, discusses the main areas care home professionals should consider when choosing fabrics for installation throughout all areas of a building

Top tips for care homes celebrating Veganuary

Vegetarian for Life is offering its top five tips for care homes looking to show off their catering prowess this Veganuary.

Stroke recovery in care homes: the role of nutrition

Maia Fergus-O’Grady, registered dietitian at apetito, highlights the urgent need for improved stroke rehabilitation in care home settings

What does it take to be a Pinders winner?

Having helped her clients win Pinders Healthcare Design Awards in 2016, 2020, and 2022, Kerry Southern-Reason, managing director of The Care Home Interiors Company, offers her insights, knowledge, and tips for securing the holy grail of care home design awards

Loveday Abbey Road – luxury that is far more than a façade

Loveday Abbey Road in St John’s Wood opened its doors in January. The Care Home Environment editor Matt Seex had a pre-opening tour with Loveday & Co managing director James Cook to talk about the new luxury home

COVER STORY: How making changes to your laundry processes could save you money

With cost control on care homes’ agendas, Debbie Jones, WASHCO’s sales manager, explains why the careful examination of all aspects of your laundry processes can help your care home save a significant amount of money

Searching for care in a post-pandemic landscape

Debbie Harris, managing director of Autumna, discusses how independent accreditation is key to keeping residents S.A.F.E.

Preparing adult care apprentices for their assessments

Paul Kelly, qualifications director at Professional Assessment (PAL), shares his top five tips on how to ensure your apprentices have the support they need to pass with flying colours

Tribunals: how should care home employers tackle the issue?

Stuart Belbin, head of the care and charity insurance division at Ascend Broking, explains the importance of Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Clean air should be the first line of defence for care homes

Christian Hendriksen, co-founder and CEO of Rensair, discusses why removing pathogens via air purification is the most effective line of defence against Covid

Putting care homes at the heart of communities

Jonathan Freeman MBE, CEO of the CareTech Charitable Foundation, explains why connecting care homes with their local communities is so important

Key considerations for operators and investors

Ben Barbanel, head of debt finance at OakNorth Bank, offers advice to care operators looking to secure growth finance

Good design is critical, but is it enough

Tanya Clover, head of dementia and personalisation for Porthaven Care Homes, explains how Dementia Care Mapping can form the basis of discrete, effective care for those living with dementia

Latest Issues

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NEC, Birmingham
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Hampden Park Stadium, Glasgow
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London Marriott Hotel Canary Wharf, 22 Hertsmere Rd, London E14 4ED
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ExCel, London
30 April 2025 - 1 May 2025

Care Roadshows - Liverpool

Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool
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