Terry Ashmore, sales & marketing manager at family-owned care home furniture manufacturer Edison & Day, explains why investing in stylish, functional, and sustainable design ought to play a key part in unlocking the potential of your home
The care sector is facing an unprecedented challenge. Rising energy and food costs on top of the National Insurance increase are putting pressure on care home groups across the country. Balancing quality care provision with fnancial sustainability has never been more complex. However, there are practical strategies to help reduce these fnancial pressures, with one key focus being room occupancy. By maximising the use of available rooms, care homes can generate signifcant additional income without proportionally increasing their overheads.
The hidden potential in your care home
Take a moment to assess your care home group. How many rooms currently sit empty? Perhaps some are being used as storage spaces or makeshift offces. These rooms represent untapped revenue. Even converting two or three of these spaces back into rentable rooms could lead to a signifcant monthly income boost. Crucially, this increase in revenue has minimal impact on overheads – food costs may marginally increase, but staffng requirements and other operational expenses remain largely unchanged, bringing an increase straight to EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation)
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