Care England calls for ‘a 1948 moment’ in adult social care

Care England, as a member of the Care Provider Alliance, has collectively published a report on the current state of social care in England.

The State of the Social Care and Support Provision in England highlights the key issues currently afflicting the social care sector. These include:

  • Rising cost of living.
  • Lack of funding to local authorities to adequately raise fee rates for social care.
  • Impact of financial pressures and uncertainty.
  • Unmet need is unacceptably high and rising.

According to the report, ‘immediate government investment’ is required, and ‘without substantial reform and investment to support that reform, achieving long-term sustainability is impossible in the current economic climate’.

It continues: ‘The implication of continued governmental inaction is continued market instability. Provider failure will impact significantly on both the NHS and Local Authorities who will be unable to commission care and support packages from providers, whilst of course preventing care providers from enabling those who draw on care on support to enjoy their rights to live purposeful lives as active members of families and communities’.

Professor Martin Green, chief executive of Care England, said: “We require a 1948 moment for adult social care to establish a long-term and sustainable future that will be to the benefit of all citizens and the economy. It is clear that the reforms introduced under the Johnson administration are a starting point, but are by no means going to ‘fix social care’ and the current reform proposals may well be kicked into the long grass again. The sector stands ready and willing to support the delivery of a much-needed reform agenda that will deliver a clear funding strategy for social care, whilst also developing a range of careers and opportunities that will provide high-quality care and support local economic development. The health of the UK economy cannot be separated from the health of the social care sector, the two are fundamentally linked.

“The report is another red flag to the Government that we need help and investment, and we need it now. If the reforms are going to be kicked down the road again, the 2019 Conservative party manifesto is as good as broken. What further evidence does the Department of Health and Social Care require that our sector is fundamental to the fabric of society and needs support? Quality social care cannot be delivered on a shoestring.”

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