The Care Inspectorate has launched a consultation on a new Corporate Plan that will cover the three-year period from 2022–2025.
The Scottish regulator’s Corporate Plan 2022-2025 will be based around four strategic outcomes.
These are:
- People experience high-quality care: People experience high quality services and support where needed that balances rights, choice, positive risk taking and safety.
- People experience positive outcomes: The care sector is innovative, carries out high-quality self-evaluation, drives forward improvement based on people’s experiences and outcomes.
- People’s rights are respected: People experience person-led, outcome-focused care and support which reflects the Health and Social Care standards and the changing landscape we operate in.
- Our people are skilled, confident and well supported: Colleagues working and volunteering with us have opportunities, are invested in, and are valued and listened to.
“Building on our current plan, it will set out our strategic outcomes and provide clarity on how we will deliver these outcomes and measure our performance,” it said.
“We want everyone with an interest in care and in what we do to have the opportunity to share their views about our strategic outcomes and help shape our new Corporate Plan.”
The consultation survey can be found here: