Exemplar Health Care chief executive John Whitehead shares his reflections on lessons learned from Covid-19 and how changing public opinions are helping to shape the future for adult specialist care providers.
Care homes across the UK have reported cases of Covid-19 and at Exemplar Health Care, sadly, we have lost some of our residents. But our primary focus is and will always be, to deliver high-quality care for our residents and provide a safe working environment for our colleagues.
Fortunately, coming into the pandemic, Exemplar was in a positive position that enabled us to take swift investment decisions to protect our residents and colleagues. We were in a good place financially, we had a dedicated team of colleagues with low turnover rates and had well-established quality assurance processes and systems already in place.
Early intervention ensured that we secured personal protective equipment (PPE) through global suppliers, meaning that we had enough supplies to protect our staff.
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