The British Psychological Society (BPS) has published guidance to support care professionals to meet the psychological needs of people with learning and intellectual disabilities, their families and carers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The guidance published online explores the different psychological factors that may influence and impact the wellbeing of people with learning or intellectual disabilities.
In addition, the guidance highlights where psychologists can offer support and signposts professionals to helpful resources.
Produced by the BPS’s faculty for people with intellectual disabilities, the guidance was developed by Dr Judith Samuel, vice-chair of the faculty, and Dr Karen Dodd, committee faculty member and co-chair of the National Learning Disabilities Professional Senate.
“People with learning and intellectual disabilities will experience the pandemic in many different ways. Services they have become used to may be closed; carers, friends and family may have to self-isolate, become ill, or even die. People who live in care homes are at particular risk,” said faculty chair Dr Allan Skelly.
“Psychologists can make a difference at the level of individual relationships with clients, to supporting our own health and care organisations, to advising area commissioning, to advocating at policy level,” he added.