In the second article in a series on laundry management, Clare Long, business account manager for care within the professional division at Miele, describes how to successfully design a care home laundry
Demand in the care sector is rising as it prepares to cater for the UK’s growing ageing population; the Office for National Statistics predicts a 36 per cent increase in the number of people aged 85 and over between 2015 and 2025, from 1.5 million to two million.
It is therefore predicted that at least 6700 new care home places will be required each year until 2020 to meet the expected growth in demand, requiring the creation of new care homes and existing homes across both the public and private sectors to increase the number of available beds.
Whether you’re looking to build a new care facility or to update an existing home, it is also the perfect opportunity to scope out laundry requirements. While it might not be the most pressing item on your agenda, laundry is a vital consideration and can make all the difference to cleanliness, infection control and staff efficiency.
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