Whether technology is used to reduce administration and improve the evidencing of quality care or residents begin to expect it, adoption is inevitable, says Simon Hooper, co-founder of RemindMeCare
With so many care home groups now on the sales block and mergers taking place almost every month, you could be forgiven for thinking that running a care home is all about making money.
As the CEO of one of the largest care groups said to me at a recent conference, “No money, no care” - and of course, that’s true. However, it is also about delivering quality care in an optimal manner that not only benefits the business, but also satisfies residents and their families. Customer satisfaction is a vital ingredient of stable occupancy figures.
Andrea Sutcliffe’s ‘mum test’ has a depth and resonance that is sometimes viewed too simplistically. However, with many at last promoting the power of technology to bring change, the question is, what change is it that the industry is actually looking for - increased profits or improved care?
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