The Care Quality Commission is now focussed on how well led providersare, how sustainable developments are and how the vision for the service is embedded into the business, says Ed Watkinson, director of care quality, Quality Compliance Systems
Being well led, how you evidence great management, developing a positive culture and how you communicate to staff the importance of your vision are all areas that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is increasingly focussing on when it inspects and rates your service. It has been a gradual shift over the past few years, but these aspects are now embedded in official practice as a result of the recent changes to the key lines of enquiry (KLOEs) that went live on 1 November 2017.
There are new KLOEs, updated ‘prompts’ and guidance for inspectors on what they should be looking for during site visits. The revised KLOEs now include explicit information about:
In addition, the CQC is looking at providers being more ‘responsible’ for their services and how they can prove to the regulator that they are aware of the quality of the service they provide and have the capacity and knowledge to address any shortfalls. It is also increasingly looking for evidence of sustainability of the quality of services and assurance that when the inspection visit is over, the home will continue to perform well and will not let things slip when the eye of the regulator is no longer focussed on it.
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