Bield is highlighting the important role that volunteers can have in assisting older people to enjoy happy and fulfilled lives in West Lothian.
Bield's Stewart Court Retirement Housing Development in West Calder is looking for a lunch club assistant to help organise opportunities for social interaction within the development and the wider community.
Craig Meek, manager at Westport, says, “Lunch club assistants play a vital role in helping the tenants engage with one another and locals out with the development.
“Organising events from coffee mornings to bingo nights and social lunches, we like to involve the tenants at every stage with the emphasis on having fun.”
Volunteers are crucial in every Bield development, offering social support and helping to enable tenants to social within the development and out in the local community.
With a new Lunch Club starting up, Bield is looking to take on new lunch club assistant to help with organising and collecting lunches and funds as well as setting up, serving, clearing and washing up after the meals.