In a busy care home, the employee responsible for fire safety often has many competing demands. Rob Adams, technical manager at fire door hardware manufacturer ARRONE, a HOPPE (UK) Group brand, gives seven key measures to prioritise
With staff rightly focused on caring for residents — often with complex needs — it is understandable that a responsible person might not feel totally confident with fire safety, even after undertaking the necessary training. However, good fire safety is as much about knowing when an issue is within the responsible person's capability and remit to manage themselves, and when to seek expert advice.
The myriad of advice, standards, and legislation can be difficult to navigate for anyone who is not a fire safety expert by trade. Ensuring compliance with regulations while also meeting the diverse needs of residents can be time-consuming and laborious.
A working knowledge of fire safety and fire safety door hardware is needed for responsible persons working in care homes. But when it comes to specifying the right door hardware for the building, it is important to ask the advice of a fire safety professional or architectural ironmonger who specialises in this area. Taking the right considerations in fire safety will deliver a wider range of benefits for a building's security and everyday operation if specified, installed, and maintained correctly.
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