AI monitoring: enabling a holistic approach to resident wellbeing

Thomas Tredinnick, CEO and co-founder of Ally Cares, discusses the revolutionary impact of AI-powered acoustic monitoring systems, which are facilitating a truly holistic vision of care delivery

Technology is playing an increasingly vital role in shaping the quality and effectiveness of care being provided. Among the most transformative advancements is the integration of AI-powered acoustic monitoring systems, which are revolutionising how care is delivered in care homes. These systems not only fill crucial gaps in the current care model but also help complete the care picture by providing a holistic understanding of each resident's needs.

When exploring the context of caring for the elderly, taking a holistic approach refers to considering all aspects of a resident's wellbeing — physical, emotional, and psychological.

Traditional care models rely heavily on direct staff to resident interactions and observations, requiring carers to detect subtle changes and ask the right questions. However, this approach has inherent limitations.

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