GEZE, a leading manufacturer of door and window control systems, has unveiled a new fire safety solution.
With fire safety a top priority for the social care sector, GEZE is boasting is a unique solution for smoke extraction systems.
The RWA K 600 retractable arm drive can be fitted to emergency exits on escape routes. In the event of a fire, it can be used as a fresh air supply. When the fire alarm is sounded, the door opens automatically, allowing a large amount of air to flow into the building and forcing smoke out.
The powerful drive with high torque opens a door to a 90-degree angle in less than 60 seconds while keeping the door readily accessible due to the freely positioned activation of the lever by means of a pressure roller.
The RWA K 600 is perfect for use in supply air systems where large opening angles are required. It is suitable for single and double leaf smoke and heat extraction fresh air doors and can be installed on both the hinge or opposite hinge side.
Andy Iredale, GEZE national sales manager, said: “The RWA K 600 is a unique solution in the extraction of smoke from a building in the case of fire. It’s suitability for use in a variety of situations makes it perfect for use on escape routes.”