The effects of temperature accurate DHW on energy and its properties as a thermal disinfectant within a high volume/ commercial laundry setting CPD.
In today’s world it is clear to see that implementing temperature precision and control in the specification and installation of hot water systems is vital. Whether that be for designing out issues before they emerge or combating them head on, it is a key consideration that is gaining more traction by the day.
An important ability of hot water is that of thermal disinfection, especially in particular industries such as healthcare laundry.This can be seen within the Health & Safety Executive’s HSG (95)18 Hospital Laundry Arrangements for Used and Infected Linen which states “The washing process should have a disinfection cycle in which the temperature in the load is maintained at 65°C (150°F) for not less than 10 minutes or, preferably, at 71°C (160°F) for not less than 3 minutes”.
In conjunction with this benefit, the ability to supply water accurately at hotter temperatures will save time and energy consumption as it would reduce or even possibly eliminate the time and power required to bring the water up to the required temperature.
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